Why Wonder Woman?

wonder womanSo some of you may wonder if I have a bit of an ego for implying I`m Wonder Woman. On the contrary, I am just like every other woman out there trying to tackle everything the world throws at her. I have a husband that works shift work, I work full time myself and I have two children. My energetic 14 year son keeps us all busy with his sports. My darling 6 year old daughter was born with disabilities that require a parent`s full attention so that she remains safe and out of mischief. But like any parent, we`re all trying to do everything and provide the best for our child.

I`ve only recently started starting putting time aside each week to go to the gym. I highly recommend all women do it – put some time aside each week for yourself. You may wonder how I find the time. It really is that important to me: I make the time. By using some of these tips I`m sharing on this website and by shear will and determination, I make it happen.
So back to the name. Again, I don`t compare myself to Wonder Woman but every woman would like to think they can conquer the universe, their universe.

Years ago, I had a school project where I had to ask my parents who I was named after. I was a little taken back when my father told me I was named after Wonder Woman. Wonder Woman`s alias was Diana Prince. Linda Carter was the actor that played wonder woman back in the 70`s. From that, my father got Diana Lynn.
So even if I`m not Wonder Woman herself, I can certainly try to be in my own personal universe. Read on as I share my tricks to conquer your own universe. Good luck!

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